Kelowna Bootcamp
In this post you will learn everything you need to know about joining a Kelowna bootcamp or getting better results at the Kelowna bootcamp you’re currently attending.
First things first, what kind of Kelowna bootcamp should you join?
This is going to depend completely upon what your goal is in Kelowna bootcamp. Are you going there to meet people and for the social aspect? Or are you going there for results and to get in the best shape of your life? From our experience if you’re going to a well populated main stream gym, most of the time you’re going to have crowded classes (sometimes not enough room!), so that would be great for the social aspect. On the flip side if you seek out a Kelowna bootcamp at a Private Fitness Studio like Mike’s Bootcamp Inc in Kelowna BC, you’re going to find smaller classes, therefore the instructors will have a better opportunity to assist you to make sure you’re getting the most out of every exercise, for the BEST results possible.
So again it comes down to your goals, if you’re unwilling to pay the extra cost that comes with going to Kelowna bootcamp classes in a private gym, then it may take you a lot longer to achieve your results, and what usually happens is you can become discouraged because you’re not getting the results you wanted, and unfortunately you would have a high chance of falling into your past habits, which got you out of shape in the first place!
If you’re like others and have done Kelowna bootcamps before and have not really liked them, you should seek out others. Not all Kelowna bootcamps are created equal, you may have a better connection with one Kelowna bootcamp instructor than another, and not all Kelowna bootcamp instructors have the same training, experience, and motivational tactics.
So, the best thing to do is phone around and ask if you can pay a drop in fee to try out a class first, then that way you know. Be leery of establishments who will not let you do a drop in, that may mean they don’t think you will turn into a paying customer after your first experience. So don’t give up, seek out a Kelowna bootcamp that fits YOU!
At Mike’s Bootcamp Inc we design our programs around muscle balance and recovery, so that you’re not over training the same muscles all the time, then your body will have a better chance at fully recovering stronger and leaner, for your GREATEST results yet at a Kelowna bootcamp.
Main stream gyms are scary because they have so many classes to choose from, that you could be jumping from class to class everyday, most likely training the same muscle groups, that hinders results, seek out private gyms, so you can make sure you’re making the most out of your time at Kelowna bootcamp.
Exercise caution when viewing commercials and advertising that promises results from a 10-30minute workouts, be AWARE of this, to get away with working out for that little of time you have to be able to push yourself at a high intensity of training. If you’re out of shape, you will not know how to push yourself to that level, so make sure you’re moving for at least an hour at Kelowna bootcamp to get the BEST results.